Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Seven Lies about Homeschoolers -- A Funny Video

     This is funny because it is true.  I get asked some of the strangest questions, and some people think we are just plain weird.  Aren't we all, though?
     For the record, we do not homeschool in our pajamas, we do not finish at lunchtime, and I absolutely REFUSE to allow my children to wear pants that are too short!  I'm just sayin'.  
     However, I would love to live further from the Wal-mart and a log cabin might be cool!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Apologia Elementary/Middle School Science -- Strong Science for Ages 6-12

     Both of my boys love science.  When young, we would check out lots of books from our local library on a wide range of science topics.  However, we found that many science textbooks for the elementary and early middle school ages are weak and boring.  Fortunately, Apologia, well-known in the high school science market, now offers a science curriculum for elementary and middles schoolers that boasts strong science with a viewpoint that points to the Creator.  
     Jeannie K. Fulbright has authored six excellent books which delve into zoology, botany, astronomy, and human anatomy.  Each book contains 13 or 14 chapters and can be used for ages 6-12, with modifications, of course.  Notebooking journals are available for purchase, or you can print out pages from each course's free website.  The textbooks are full of beautiful and interesting illustrations, activities, hands-on assignments, experiments, projects, and more.  I highly recommend them because they are strong scientifically and yet Christian in viewpoint.
     Below is a list of the Apologia books and how we have or will use them.

Exploring Creation with Astronomy -- When my oldest studied astronomy in 2nd or 3rd grade, I read this to him, and he created a lapbook.  We used The Usborne First Encyclopedia of Space and The World of Space by Dinah Zike and Susan Simpson in conjunction with this book.

Flying creatures of the Fifth Day:  Exploring Creation with Zoology 1    After completing the Zoology 3 book in our co-op, my son read this book and the Zoology 2 book on his own at home in his 7th grade year.  He finished both books in about two and a half months.  We did not do the activities, and I did not test him.  He read for pure love of science.

Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day:  Exploring Creation with Zoology 2  See above.

Land Animals of the Sixth Day:  Exploring Creation with Zoology 3   This book was the core textbook for the zoology class my son took at our co-op his 6th grade year.  They covered the book in a school year, covering 1 chapter every two weeks.  In my opinion, for a 6th grader, this book can be covered easily in one semester.

Exploring Creation with Botany  This semester, I started this book with both boys (3rd and 7th grades), and I purchased the notebooking journals that accompany the textbook.  I read a section aloud to the boys, and we work on the activities together.  Due to a busy spring, we are working slowly.  However, we built the suggested light hut and have lots of little plants growing inside waiting to be transplanted outside.  If I can ever remember to buy the appropriate flower, we will do the flower dissection!

Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology  
I hope to do this book next with both boys, right after finishing botany.  I purchased the Anatomy Notebooking Journal and the Junior Anatomy Notebooking Journal.  Had I known that the Junior version had coloring pages added in, I would not have purchased it.  If you child enjoys coloring (my third grader does not), then your child may like it.  

****NOTE:  For the month of March 2012, Apologia Elementary Science is 30% off at CBD.  This is a GREAT deal.